Everything Crystal Writes

Note To My Teenage Self – Journal Entry

To My Teenage Self:

I love you, even when it seems like I don’t. I love your eyes, your hair, your smile. You have an amazing sense of humor and many talents. Focus on what makes you happy in life. 

Know what you are worth. The goal is not to be loved by anyone and everyone. It’s being who you are. There are many guys out there and you have plenty of time for love. Don’t fall for the first one. Don’t place all your value on being loved. Live your life to the fullest, but be safe. Don’t let your hormones cloud your mind. You can find sex anywhere, focus on staying safe.

You are not crazy; you are amazing. You may intimidate some people and they’ll mistreat you because of it. I know this hurts your feelings and makes you sad. It’s okay to be sad, but please understand it will improve. You are a beautiful person and you don’t even know it. Be unapologetic yourself.

Follow your dreams. Don’t get distracted. Keep writing. Never stop writing. You are smart. You have a talent and you can do anything you set your mind to with writing. Never let your parents discourage you. They don’t know what is in your heart. Don’t allow them to make you feel obligated to accomplish the dreams they have for you. You won’t and you still will let them down either way. So do what you want and not what they want you to do. Do not allow your mother to bully you. Make your own life for yourself. 

Please know that this stage in life is TEMPORARY. Focus on the future. I know it’s hard, but none of this will matter after graduation. Friends will move on. Boyfriends become exes. Remember to focus on school and your interests. Write, write, write. That is your passion. Sing, sing, sing. That is your gift. Never allow anyone to take away your voice. Always stand up for yourself. Never allow anyone to put you down. Continue singing and don’t let anyone make you feel embarrassed.

Keep your mouth shut and put those thoughts in a journal. Watch more than you talk. Guard yourself. Only let those who truly care about you into your life. So many people will use you if given the opportunity. Keep yourself safe. Recognize the people who truly care and love you. Who cares about popular opinions? It will not matter in a few years. Just be yourself. Keep your genuine friends close to you. That will be a blessing from these years. 

Spend more time with your grandmother. She has many life experiences to share with you. Listen to her and what she has to say. Listen to how she says it. Learn to love from her. She is the key to teaching you what life is about.

Remember not to take on responsibilities you’re not ready for. When you are prepared for them, you will have plenty of time for marriage and kids. Learn to wait for what you want. Don’t grow up so fast. You have all the time in the world to accomplish all your goals. Enjoy your life. Live alone first. Take your time with building a family.

I want you to know that I forgive you for any mistakes made along the way. You live and learn with mistakes made. Do not be hard on yourself for your past. Everything will be fine. You are doing the best you can and I am proud of you. I love you.

Love Always,

Future Crystal