Everything Crystal Writes

Category: Poetry

  • If You Had Stayed

    I’m not saying I’m the best I’m not saying I didn’t make mistakes  But I am saying that I loved you And you missed out on having that someone you dreamt about  I would have done my best to fulfill your dreams  Loved you the way you always needed to be loved  So now you…

  • New Skin (Poem)

    Gut-wrenching pain, Forced to the forefront of our psyche  Tears staining faces Checks burning red Ripping band-aids off trauma Allowing it to breathe and scab Slowly forming new skin New insight  Understanding Forgiveness Peace  Making scars of healed wounds

  • This Feeling

    I became overwhelmed with emotion as tears of joy fell onto my cheeks Feeling the validation after years of doubt The acknowledgment of my expression made me finally feel seen All this love and pride permeates me As my heart flutters, I feel relief This is the happiness I’ve never felt but so blessed to…

  • Terrified

    Terrified  Standing statuesque  Trying not to fall over my own feet  Not wanting to choke on my own words,  Not wanting to face defeat,  Decisions were made  I can’t take them back  Only time will tell  Disaster or divine?

  • Voice (Poetry)

    Silenced Unable to speak for myself My melodic sound censored Turned off with your decisions Never ask me for my opinion Mine doesn’t matter, does it? The only opinion of importance was yours Which silently communicated my importance I was never a consideration A mere courteous conversation was not even a thought It was only…

  • Life Contemplated (Poetry)

    Why do we do anything in this world? Why do we love when we know it’ll die? Why do we touch when we know it’ll burn? Why do we feel when we know it is painful? Because to feel the pain of the burn before we die … is to live. ©C.S. Torres